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Showing posts from December, 2020


Cattle die, kindred die, Every man is mortal: But the good name never dies Of one who has done well Havamal, stanza 76

Tempting Fate

“ Council plans to underwr i te a £100,000 unveiling ceremony for a statue of Margaret Thatcher in her home town of Grantham have been approved. “ The statue itself cost £300,000.00 and they want to use £100,000.00 of public money for a ceremony to unveil it. In a time of austerity and poverty, with record numbers of homeless, jobless and struggling people relying on foodbanks I can honestly say that this is definitely what she would have wanted. My only concern is that a stray bolt of lightning will bring the fucking thing to life and she’ll start a new reign of terror in an immortal three metre form, like a right-wing golem breaking into schools and stamping on free school meals. Just kidding. God wouldn’t touch this hell-creature even at lightning-bolt reach.