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Showing posts from February, 2020

Platform Aleph-Four-YGT

An adventure outline for the Mothership RPG This is an idea for a scenario I’ve had for the Mothership RPG – you can read my review of it HERE or go check out the maker’s website and download a copy of the game for yourself HERE. At present I don’t have the opportunity to run the game – I do a lot of gaming but am neck deep in various campaigns that I love, but on reading Mothership I’ve been taken by the mood and themes of the game and an idea came to me for an adventure that blended the game’s core elements with the cosmic horror of HP Lovecraft that has always been close to my twisted gaming heart. I know enough about myself to know that the idea will nag at me until I get it out of my system so I’m posting the bones of it here to exorcise it. Hopefully it may inspire someone to flesh it out and run it themselves, if so I’d love to know how it goes. This write-up is how I tend to write up scenario notes for myself – relying on imagining the scenes from the basic concepts and i

Mothership RPG

In Space, nobody can hear you not have a group large enough to get the best out of a great looking game Random Internet rambling recently led me to discover an absolute gem of a roleplaying game. It’s called Mothership and it’s a game of science-fiction horror that seeks to emulate a setting and feel similar to that of the Alien/Aliens franchise (and by extension similar stories of futuristic isolation and menace). You can find the game HERE and since the rulebook is Pay What You Want I suggest you go snag it for yourself now and if you like it go back and throw a few credits to the creator. The rulebook is short and concise and the design work is incredible. The character sheet is a work of genius allowing a complete novice to create a character without ever having to refer to the rules – everything you need is on the character sheet complete with arrows showing what scores modify what results, how skills work and everything. The rest of the rulebook is equally accessible. Ch